Recently I came across a video featuring #Neal DeGrasse Tyson. It struck a nerve when he discussed the importance of learning math.

Do you remember when one would say, "why should I really have to know this formula. I won't probably never have to use this formula or math in my career?" Neal DeGrasse Tyon's point is that even if we do not necessarily use a specific math operation, we are constructing building blocks or connections in the brain to enhance our functioning minds.

 The foundation of our company has been the gift to build on knowledge. Knowledge is paramount to provide dynamic support to our clients!!! Each and every time we have a new design for example whether it is a hydraulic filter, chiller or an encoder, linear stage etc., we are building our pre-existing knowledge to go to higher level of understanding.

 Dalatec Corporation has been in business for over 31 years. Dalatec is an added value reseller, integrator and facilitator of design. We represents companies predominantly in mechanical components which support the applications and components we supply relate to #pneumatics, #hydraulics, #thermodynamics, #optics

An overview of our capability can be identified from this website.

We sanctify the importance of knowledge not just selfishly to make money, but value the importance and our raison d'etre is to enrich our lives with knowledge and fufill our passion for learning and exchange ideas with wonderful people.